6 Questions with Aastha Chalana – Mindful Parenting Skills

Aastha Chalana demonstrates excellent attentive parenting and aids in parents’ efforts to bring out the best in their children. Aastha Chalana has done engineering and MBA, and for the last 14 years, she has worked in the IT and telecom industries.
A year back, she started blogging, which has helped her think more logically and rationally.
It has ultimately helped her child develop more healthily and has also been well-received by other parents in the community. As a result, Aastha Chalana began to impart her knowledge and experiences to others, which helped her and others raise their children in a disciplined and constructive manner.
Icy Tales is in conversation with Aastha Chalana about her mindful parenting skills.
Q) What According to you is Mindful Parenting?
Aastha Chalana – Mindful parenting starts from being a mindful person first. Being present with your kid, doing household duties, or working with others is what it means to practice mindful parenting.
Living in the present at all times, not reacting to every circumstance, and addressing them with more control and discipline. We need to remember some things, including not letting your child witness your whole range of emotions if you are feeling completely out of sorts.
When parenting presents a particular obstacle, you respond appropriately rather than letting your emotions, performance at work, and other factors dictate how you act. Being a child is not easy, nor is being an adult.
Q) How Can One Be a Mindful Parent?
Aastha Chalana – Being mindful as a person is the foundation of everything. Although sometimes we are so eager and aren’t thinking clearly, it becomes challenging for new mothers to instill everything at once.
The only method to handle your daily work effectively is to divide it into three parts, i.e.,
- Don’t put too much pressure on yourself since that’s when you’ll probably start to crumble. By separating them, you may make things simpler.
- Second, make sure to give yourself some time since, whether it’s with a coworker or a child, your final reaction is always the result of internal tension. Rather, set out just one hour or thirty minutes each day to spend with yourself, doing whatever you prefer to do.
- Finally, look after your physical well-being by eating wholesome, natural foods, taking good care of your skin and hair, and talking to your loved ones about your thoughts. When you follow this regimen, you feel fantastic both inside and out. To improve one’s mindfulness, one should do this regularly.
Q) Since, You are a Full-time Working Mom. How do you Cope With Your Kids and What are Your Healthy Tips on Mindful Parenting?
Aastha Chalana – Both mothers who stay at home and those who work have their share of difficulties. To obtain the most benefit from it for their child and themselves, each person must adjust in a certain way.
Finding someone who could look after my child was the first obstacle I faced as a working mom. When I first gave birth to my child, my parents helped me take care of the infant.
Later, I hired a babysitter to take care of the baby. Who is caring for the kid, what are they doing, how are they caring for the child, are they feeding the child in the same way that I do, are they giving the child the same attention that I used to, these are all questions that are always racing through my mind.
Subsequently, I took my time to prepare myself and acclimatize to the same circumstance. I had to pick up certain skills and drop others, as well as adjust to my surroundings. This is my first challenge since nothing can be flawless.
Because I’ve been working alone and without children for the previous twelve years, my job presented a second difficulty. I was doing my job to the best of my ability and succeeding at it, but once I became a mother, I found it difficult to keep up with my work as I had in the past.
A priceless gift in and of itself is becoming a mother. You can’t continue working weird hours as you did before becoming a mother, or as we would say when we weren’t married, there are some adjustments that we as people must make.
Q) Has Motherhood Changed Your Perspective on the World in any way?
Aastha Chalana – I’ve developed greater responsibility after becoming a mother. When you become a mother, your life is suddenly transformed in such a manner that you are now in charge of your own kid.
As a result, you cannot be both lenient and harsh at the same time, and you cannot be always lethargic. Because someone else is relying on you for their actions, you must take responsibility for yourself.
Second, I began to consider the natural world, the environment’s greenery, pollution, and those who leave trash on the streets. In order to protect the environment for my child, I as a mother have begun doing so.
My parents and other people have also noticed a change in my empathic nature. How parents work so hard and raise their children at the same time is astonishing.
Q) How do Childhood Trauma Influence Later Life and What Do You Recommend to Deal With That?
Aastha Chalana – If, as adults, we exhibit a specific nature, it is just a result of the environment in which we were nurtured. Children spend their first few years of life with their families, and I firmly think that whatever lessons we instill in them shape who they become as adults.
When it comes to trauma, mindful parenting is crucial because, whether we realize it or not, we often yell at or hit our kids out of frustration. This behavior becomes habitual and, over time, causes trauma for your kids because of how you act and react, which shapes how they perceive you and how you act in similar situations.
Second, if you are putting pressure on your child to study or speak English or make comparisons to other people, why can’t you just say it in a sentence? Doing so might put them in terrible circumstances later on in life.
Lastly, you should avoid or limit the amount of praise you give your kids and avoid comparing them to other kids. Then they either start trying to satisfy everyone or they start wanting everyone to agree with them.
Little things have a big impact on your child’s life, whether they do it positively or negatively, and this can eventually cause trauma. Youngster who has experienced trauma may grow up in a particular way for the rest of their lives rather than being allowed to be who they are.
Q) How Can We Create Rituals for Mindfulness and Gratitude?
Aastha Chalana – The importance of certain things in life becomes apparent to you when you become a mother, so I eventually started exercising mindfulness and gratitude after that.
However, there comes a point in life when you enter your late 30s when your health starts to deteriorate, your parents’ health, for that matter, or your child’s health, for that matter, is not in good enough shape.
I thus began creating my own rituals as a result of it. First of all, never get up in a rush because your body will start to break and your brain will cease listening to you. As eating junk food increases stress in your life, the second routine is to eat healthily every day. Good nutrition makes you feel well.
Thirdly, set aside at least 30 minutes for yourself to engage in self-care activities like pranayama and breathing exercises. If you just keep grinning, you’ll see that life will ultimately turn into a joyful place to live.
A young, and hardworking mother Aastha Chalana trying to be the best mother she can be and encouraging other young, attractive mothers to do the same. She is spreading positive advice about how to be aware and grateful at the same time while making everyone smile.
Watch this lively conversation with Aastha Chalana on our YouTube Channel
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