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How to Keep Wasps Away? 101 Guide

How to keep wasps away is a common topic throughout the summer and fall, when wasp activity is at its highest, and they may irritate you when partaking in outdoor activities. People who are allergic to their stings may find their presence unsafe.

To have a safe and happy season keep wasps out of your home and outdoor spaces. In this article, we’ll discuss how to effectively fend against wasps through prevention, pest control, the construction of physical barriers, and the placement of traps. By using pest treatment pros, you may lessen the number of wasps in your area and take the advised precautions, allowing you to take pleasure in the summer and fall without worry.

1. Understand the Behavior of Wasps

How to keep wasps away? Before we delve into ways, it is important to understand their behavior. Due to their attraction to sweet and sugary foods, wasps are frequently seen around outdoor eating areas, trash cans, and fruit trees.

They also build small wasp nests in protected areas, such as eaves, attics porch roofs, window screens, and other enclosed spaces. Therefore, keep these areas clean and free of any food or garbage that could attract other wasps in building new nests. Additionally, wasps that build nests can be very aggressive when they feel their nest is threatened, so keep a safe distance if you see a wasp nest near your home.

2. Know Your Enemy: Wasp Species

One should understand the types of wasps and insects you may encounter around your home.

2.1) Paper Wasps

Paper wasps are also bees that feed a kind of wasp that may be found throughout much of North America. They construct nests that resemble honeycombs out of grey or brown paper. Paper bees feed on wasps, and bees are not aggressive in general. They will only strike if they feel threatened if their nest is disrupted.

2.2) Yellow Jackets

The yellow jacket is a different kind of wasp that may be found throughout North America. They are black and yellow, and they create their nests underground, in buildings, or suspended from trees. Yellow jackets are more vicious than paper wasps and will attack if their nest is disrupted.

2.3) Hornets

Hornets are wasp species a bigger form of wasp that constructs aerial nests in trees flowering plants, or on structures. They are often more aggressive than other varieties of wasps and bees and can deliver more painful stings.

Knowing the type of wasp you are dealing with can help you determine the best strategy to keep them away.

3. Why Do Wasps Come Around?

Before we get into How to keep wasps away, it’s crucial to understand why individual wasps are drawn to particular regions. Wasps are gregarious insects that dwell in colonies. They are drawn to sweet and sugary items, and soapy water. Therefore any location with food or drinks may attract wasps to breathe into them.

Garbage attracts wasps because it contains decomposing organic materials, and larvae pollen, which they utilize to feed their larvae. Wasps are also drawn to strong odors, such as perfume, thus it is better to avoid wearing strong scents outside.

4. How to Keep Wasps Away?

Some of the tips you can know on How to Keep Wasps Away are mentioned below.

4.1) Prevent Nesting

Among the greatest methods Preventing wasps from ever building a nest on your property is the best approach to keep them away. Here are some tips for preventing wasp nesting:

4.1.1) Seal Cracks and Holes

Wasps can get inside your house through tiny cracks and gaps in the foundation or walls. To keep wasps out, caulk or similar sealant should be used to cover these openings.

4.1.2) Remove Food Sources

Sweet odors and food crumbs attract wasps. Keep your outdoor eating areas clean and dispose of food waste promptly.

4.1.3) Cover Garbage Bins

Garbage bins can attract wasps with their strong odors. Cover your garbage and recycling bins more tightly to prevent wasps from accessing the contents.

4.1.4) Plant Wasp-Repelling Plants

Many plants, including mint, basil, and eucalyptus, are said to discourage wasps. If you have outside living spaces and a home, think about planting them.

4.1.5) Hang a Fake Nest Nearby

Wasps are territorial and will avoid nesting near other wasps’ nests. Hang a fake wasp nest near your outdoor living areas to deter wasps from nesting there.

4.2) Wasp Traps

Wasp traps come in a variety of designs and sorts.  These are a few of the more popular varieties:

4.2.1) Bottle Traps

Bottle traps are a popular and inexpensive form of wasp trap that is simple to make at home. These usually require severing the top third of a plastic bottle and inverting it back into its base. The trap is then baited with a sweet or fragrant material that attracts wasps, such as fruit juice, soda cans, or beer. The wasps are trapped within the bottle and finally drown.

4.2.2) Disposable Traps

Disposable wasp traps are commercially available and come pre-baited with an attractant. These traps are typically made of plastic and feature a one-way entry design that prevents the wasps from escaping. Once the trap is full, it can be disposed of in the garbage.

4.2.3) Electric Traps

Electric wasp traps attract wasps with UV light, which are subsequently electrocuted by a low-voltage grid. These traps are often more costly than other types get rid of wasps traps since they are powered by batteries or electricity. They are, nevertheless, excellent in swiftly killing wasps in huge numbers to get rid of wasps everywhere.

4.2.4) Sticky Traps

Sticky wasp traps catch wasps by using a sticky surface. Often made of plastic, these traps already have an adhesive applied. As wasps land on the trap, they become trapped and unable to escape.

After you know the types of wasp traps you can figure out the best trap and How to Keep Wasps Away.

How to keep waps away
Photo by Mohsen Bagherzadeh on Unsplash Copyright 2017

4.3) Create Physical Barriers

Another way to repel wasps in How to Keep Wasps Away is to create physical barriers. Here are a few drops tips for either preventing wasps or repelling wasps by creating barriers.

4.3.1) Use Mesh Screens

Install mesh screens on your windows and doors to keep wasps from entering your home.

4.3.2) Cover Swimming Pools

If you have a swimming pool, cover it when it’s not in use to prevent wasps from drinking from the water.

4.3.3) Install Netting

Install netting around your outdoor living areas to prevent wasps from flying in and bothering you and your guests.

4.3.4) Close Gaps

Close gaps in your fences, walls, and other outdoor structures to prevent wasps from entering and nesting.

4.3.5) Keep Windows and Doors Closed

To keep wasps out of your house while you’re not using your windows and doors, keep them shut.

4.4) Keep Your Property Clean

Keeping your property clean is another step in keeping wasps away. Here are some pointers for keeping your property clean to avoid attracting wasps:

4.4.1) Dispose of Food Scraps

Wasps are attracted to food scraps, so dispose of them properly.

4.4.2) Clean-Up Spills

If you spill something sweet or sticky, clean it up immediately to prevent wasps from being attracted to the sugar water or area.

4.4.3) Clean Your Barbecue

If you have a barbecue, clean it after each use to remove any food scraps or grease that may attract wasps.

4.4.5) Trim Your Trees

Trim back any trees or shrubs touching your home, as they can provide a pathway for wasps to enter.

4.4.6) Keep Your Property Tidy

A tidy property is less attractive to wasps, so keep your property free of clutter and debris.

Here are some suggestions for preventing wasps from visiting your property.

5. Removing a Wasp Nest

how to keep wasps away
Photo by FerradalFCG from Unlimphotos

Wasp nest removal from your home must be done carefully and properly. If you happen to run across them. Here are some methods and advice to help you remove a wasp nest correctly

5.1) Wear Protective Clothing

Use protective clothes when dismantling a wasp nest to avoid getting stung. Protect your face with long-sleeved shirts, slacks, gloves, and a hat with a veil.

5.2) Wait Until Nighttime

Since wasps are less active at night, removing a wasp trap nest after dark is preferable. This will also make it easier to view all the wasps in fake nests, wasp problems, wasps breathe in nests, wasps hate them, and wasp spray nests, and securely the fake nest to remove before wasps feed on it.

5.3) Use Insecticide

Spray the nest with a wasp-specific pesticide and follow the directions on the spray bottle exactly. Certain wasp season and pesticides on the spray bottles are intended to be sprayed directly onto all the wasps’ established nests. While others are to be applied from a safe distance away from existing wasps. Use protective gloves and eyewear while handling insecticides.

5.4) Remove the Nest

After spraying the nest, wait a few days to ensure that all of the wasps inside have died before dismantling the nest. Remove the killing wasps from the nest carefully with a long-handled instrument and place them in a tight plastic bag. Dispose of and get rid of wasps from the nest safely and legally in your location.

How to keep wasps away
Photo by Bee Safe on Unsplash/Copyright 2020

5.5) Call a Professional (Pest Control Expert)

If you are unsure about removing a wasp nest or if the nest is in a difficult-to-reach place, contact a professional pest control firm. They have the necessary skills and equipment to carefully dismantle the existing wasp’s nest without endangering you or your family.

6. Conclusion

Therefore, “how to keep wasps away” is a vital concern for anybody who wants a safe and pleasurable summer and fall. You may drastically limit the number of wasps in your surroundings by studying their behavior and adopting various preventative measures, steps like reducing food sources and sealing potential nesting places.

Using traps and creating physical barriers, such as mesh screens and netting, are other excellent strategies to keep wasps at bay. Maintaining a clean and tidy environment is a necessary step to minimize wasp activity. By following these tips, you may enjoy a wasp-free outdoor experience while avoiding the risk of wasp stings.

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