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Can Rubbing Hair Dry Cause Dandruff? 6 Ways to Prevent

Many people experience flaking, itching, and discomfort due to dandruff, a common scalp problem. People with this disorder may feel ashamed or self-conscious in social circumstances, leading them to withdraw from others and lose confidence.

The health of your hair and scalp has a direct impact on your appearance, confidence, and quality of life. Dandruff is just one of several issues that can be avoided with regular hair maintenance. We’ll see if there’s any correlation between the rough handling of hair when drying and the development of flaky skin known as dandruff.  

After reading this post, you will know how to keep your scalp and hair healthy and avoid dandruff.

1. Can Rubbing Hair Dry Cause Dandruff?

Image by Rodger Shija from Pixabay

Many people, especially after washing their hair, like to rub it dry with their hands. Yet, too much rubbing can actually cause inflammation and damage to the scalp and hair. The proliferation of yeast on the scalp, the accumulation of oils, and the natural shedding of dead skin cells are all potential causes of dandruff.

Although it’s not the only factor, rubbing your hair dry might speed up the dandruff-causing process. The friction created by rubbing a towel over your hair can lead to breakage, split ends, and frizz. Itching and flaking of the scalp are two side effects of friction that can occur.

Dandruff can be exacerbated by the overproduction of oil that occurs when the scalp is irritated. Symptoms of dandruff can be made worse by excessive rubbing or scratching of the scalp. Research published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology reveals that inflammation may contribute to dandruff growth by increasing the number of inflammatory cells on the scalp. Dandruff can be avoided using a less harsh technique while blow-drying your hair.

This can help keep dandruff symptoms from worsening while protecting the scalp and hair from harm. In the following paragraphs, you will find advice on how to dry your hair effectively, so that you don’t cause any damage to your scalp or strands.

2. 7 Reasons You’re Getting Dandruff That You Probably Haven’t Considered

2.1. Disorders of the Skin

Psoriasis and eczema are only two of the skin disorders that can exacerbate the symptoms of dandruff. Dandruff can be brought on by inflammation and an abnormally high rate of skin cell loss, both of which are linked to these disorders.

2.2. Negative Effects of Hair Care Products

Dandruff can be triggered by using strong hair products, which can irritate the scalp and lead to flaking. While styling your hair, stay away from products that include sulfates or alcohol, as these might dry out your scalp.

2.3. Too Little Shampooing

Image by jacqueline macou from Pixabay

Lack of regular shampooing can cause a buildup of dead skin cells and oil on the scalp, which in turn can cause dandruff. Your hair has to be washed at least twice a week to maintain its health and appearance.

2.4. Polar Vortex

Cold weather can cause the scalp to become dry and flaky, resulting in dandruff. If you want to keep your scalp from being dry and flaky during the winter, it’s important to keep it hydrated.

2.5. Hairbrushes

Dandruff can be caused by a number of factors, including the use of a dirty or infected toothbrush, which can then transmit bacteria and fungus to the scalp. If you use a hairbrush, wash it after every use, and don’t lend it out to anybody else.

2.6. Genetics

Dandruff is inherited, and some people have a higher predisposition to developing it than others. Dandruff can be hereditary, so you should be on the lookout for it if it runs in your family.

2.7. Medications

Dandruff can be a side effect of some drugs, including anti-seizure drugs and lithium. Hair loss while on medication is cause for concern, so be sure to discuss your options with your doctor.

You can determine what’s causing your dandruff and how to stop it by closely examining these issues. If you continue to suffer dandruff symptoms despite adequate hair care and treatment, speak with a dermatologist for further evaluation and treatment options.

3. What Causes Dandruff?

Dandruff can be caused by more than just repeatedly rubbing damp hair with a dry towel. Here are some of them:

3.1. Malassezia

Most adults carry Malassezia, a form of yeast, on their scalps. Overgrowth can lead to inflammation and flaking, which manifests as dandruff.

3.2. Oily Skin

Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay

Excess oil on the scalp can generate a buildup of dead skin cells and an overgrowth of Malassezia, both of which contribute to dandruff in those with oily skin.

3.3. Alterations in Hormone Levels

Increased oil production, which can occur during puberty or pregnancy, is a potential factor in dandruff development.

3.4. Stress

An increase in oil production and a weakened immune system are two ways that stress can cause dandruff.

3.5. Diet

The development of dandruff may be influenced by the individual’s diet. A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as that found in fish, nuts, and seeds, can help to reduce inflammation and prevent dandruff. In order to effectively treat dandruff, it is crucial to determine its etiology.

Dandruff can be treated with a variety of methods, such as medicated shampoos, topical creams, and oral drugs, in addition to the standard practice of good hair hygiene. You should see a dermatologist to figure out the most effective course of treatment.

4. Conditions That Lead to Flaky Scalp

4.1. Epidermitis Seborrheica

Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin disorder that can create dandruff flakes and an itchy scalp. It is caused by an overgrowth of yeast on the scalp and can be exacerbated by stress, cold weather, and hormonal changes.

4.2. Scalp Psoriasis

Scalp psoriasis is a persistent skin disorder that can develop red, scaly spots on the scalp. These areas can be itchy and flaky and can spread to other parts of the body.

4.3. Eczema

Eczema is a persistent skin disorder that can cause dry, itchy, and flaky spots on the skin, including the scalp. It is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors and can be aggravated by stress, allergies, and specific foods.

4.4. Fungi

Fungal infections, such as ringworm or tinea capitis, can create a dry, itchy scalp. These illnesses are infectious and can be spread by contact with infected individuals or objects.

4.5. Allergies

Allergy responses to hair products, such as shampoos or conditioners, can produce a dry scalp. Allergies to specific foods or environmental factors might also lead to a flaky scalp.

4.6. Arid Scalp

A dry scalp is a common symptom that can cause flaking and irritation. It can be caused by a multitude of circumstances, including cold temperatures, low humidity, and harsh hair products.

4.7. Plagued by Nits in the Head

Head lice are microscopic parasites that can infest the scalp and cause itching and peeling. They are very contagious and can be spread by contact with sick individuals or objects. By recognizing the underlying problem that is causing your flaky scalp, you may take the required actions to treat it and prevent more flaking and irritation.

5. Wash Away Dandruff

5.1. Try an Anti-Dandruff Shampoo

Select an anti-dandruff shampoo that has active ingredients such as zinc pyrithione, ketoconazole, or salicylic acid. These compounds can help to control the growth of yeast on the scalp and minimize flaking.

5.2. The Benefits of a Scalp Massage

When shampooing your hair, use your fingertips to gently massage your scalp. This can assist to loosen and remove any dead skin cells or oil that may be contributing to dandruff.

5.3. Cleanse Completely

Make sure to rinse your hair and scalp thoroughly to remove any shampoo or conditioner residue. Leftover products can pile up on the scalp and contribute to dandruff.

5.4. You Shouldn’t Pick at Your Head

While it may be tempting to scratch an itchy scalp, this can actually increase dandruff. Scratching can injure the scalp and promote inflammation, leading to increased flaking.

5.5. Cold Showers Only

Hot water can remove the scalp from its natural oils, leading to dryness and flakiness. Use lukewarm water when washing your hair to avoid this.

5.6. The Use of a Scalp Mask

Consider using a scalp mask or treatment to help soothe and nourish the scalp. Look for products that contain substances such as tea tree oil, aloe vera, or coconut oil, which can help to reduce inflammation and encourage healthy hair development.

6. Side Effects of Blow-Drying Your Hair Too Much

6.1. Causes Scalp Dryness

Blow drying your hair too often or at too high of a temperature will dry out your scalp, causing it to become flaky and itchy. There may be an increased risk of dandruff and other scalp disorders as a result of this.

6.2. The Hair Is Ruined by This

Split ends and breakage are just two of the many hair problems that can result from overusing a blow dryer. This may result in frizzy, lifeless hair.

6.3. Intensifies Static

Static Electricity Buildup Blow-drying can increase static electricity in the hair, making it look puffed up and frizzy. This is sometimes more apparent in arid climates or during the dry winter months.

6.4. Causes Scalp Sensitization

Causes Irritation and Inflammation to Sensitive Scalps Blow-drying your hair too often can irritate and inflame a sensitive scalp. It’s possible that this could cause some irritating side effects, such as itching and flaking.

6.5. Causes Possible Overheating

Blow drying your hair for long periods of time increases the risk of overheating your hair and scalp. Pain and even burns may result from this.

7. The Proper Way to Dry Your Hair

7.1. Apply a Plush Towel

Instead of using a rough towel that can cause unnecessary friction and damage to your hair, go for a softer towel while drying your hair. You should pat your hair dry with a soft microfiber towel or an old T-shirt.

7.2. Don’t Rub Too Hard

To remove extra water from your hair, gently squeeze it with your towel instead of rubbing it. The risk of harm to your scalp and hair will be decreased.

7.3. Adjust the Heat Setting on your Hair Dryer to Low

If you must, use a hair dryer, and put it to its lowest heat setting. If your hair and scalp are already prone to irritation and dandruff, then you should avoid using high heat on them.

7.4. Apply a Scalp Moisturizer:

You should moisturize your scalp because dandruff can also be caused by a dry scalp. To avoid this, use a moisturizing oil or other scalp treatment frequently.

By following these instructions, you’ll be able to dry your hair without causing any harm to your scalp or strands. Dandruff can be avoided, and a lovely head of hair can be fostered, by doing this.


Overall, dandruff is an annoying and potentially embarrassing scalp disease. Even if there are other factors at play, drying hair with friction can exacerbate dandruff. Inflammation brought on by constant rubbing or scratching can cause the scalp to overproduce oil and collect dead skin cells. This can actually make dandruff worse.

Dandruff can be avoided using a less harsh technique while blow-drying your hair. Damage to your scalp and hair can be avoided by the use of a soft towel, gentle rubbing, a hair dryer set to low heat, and regular scalp moisturizing. Consult a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan if your dandruff symptoms persist.

Click here to read about the top hair salons in San Francisco.




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